Mid-Week Catch Up – Week 4

This week we’ve both been feeling very tired, and have been going to bed exhausted most nights. So we thought we would see what we could do to ensure we didn’t carry that tiredness into our working days. So we’ve started with a meditative yoga session every morning. I (Jason) usually do some sort of yoga, stretching, or massage in the morning, but Sofi doesn’t. Next week I think we’ll make it more of an active session and maybe even do a session in the evenings before bed.

We’ve also gone back to eating porridge so we have a good source of slow-release energy. We usually eat porridge, but sometimes we mix it up during the week and have cereal or yoghurt. We’ve been making some more vegetable juices as well, rather than pure fruit juices.

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Yesterday we had a nice green juice, although it was just the cucumber that was green! It consisted of 3 carrots, ½ cucumber, 2 oranges. Really good, and the cucumber gives it a really fresh taste 🙂

Today’s juice was the red devil above, which consisted of 3 small beetroots, 2 carrots, 1 apple, 1 blood orange. Absolutely delicious, and packed full of nutrients!

We will compile a list of juices soon to release as one large post, but in the meantime, we’ll keep posting some here and some on Instagram. You follow us on Instagram, right?


Unfortunately winter has decided to come back to Gothenburg this week, with more snow, some of which has settled. It wasn’t too slippery yesterday though, and I am planning on having a run at lunch today with some of my colleagues.

20150121_084336Hopefully the snow will clear and the roads will dry up before the weekend, as we have a couple of rides planned: a steady (50-60 km) one together on Saturday, and a longer (I’m guessing closer to or over 100 km) one where I will cycle with some of my other cycling buddies on Sunday.

We’ll need fuel for both of these rides, and are planning to try out a new recipe for on-the-bike snacks, so keep your eyes peeled!

We’re thinking about going to the cinema Saturday afternoon as well…any tips?

Hope you have a good week,



6 thoughts on “Mid-Week Catch Up – Week 4

  1. Jean

    When does the sun rise and set in Sweden where you are? Long dark and cold winters are hard. Where we live in Alberta, the sun doesn’t rise until after 7:45 am.

    Honest, I find blogging and working with personal photos a great relief. We do get lots of sunshine here compared to other areas of Canada so that encourages one to go out for at least a daily short walk. Do you live in walkable/cycleable neighbourhood?


    1. activebeans Post author

      Hi Jean!
      It rises about 7.30 am I think and sets around 4 pm maybe a bit later now. So we don’t get that much daylight either. But it is about to change slowly at least 🙂

      We live in one part of the city, not the busiest part but still town. There are a few green areas close by and if you just cycle for 15-20 mins you find yourself in the countryside so that’s good! Sweden has a lot of forests and lakes so that’s nice. How about where you live?



  2. Jean

    We live in downtown area in a city of 1.3 million. It would take us almost 1 hr. to get out to the edge of the city into true “country” since Calgary is a sprawly city. However home is a near a popular major bike-pedestrian path that runs through a river park.

    About 130 km. northwest of us is the start of mountain wilderness parks (start of Rocky Mountains), with major national and provincial parks, large wildlife (bears, caribou, long haired mountain goat, bighorn wild sheep, etc.) and turquoise glacial water lakes and rivers.

    More Snowshoeing for Snow Mountain Addicts and the Vertigo-Inclined

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  3. Pingback: Our Weekend, Week 4 | Active Beans

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